Pure Protein Dry Organic Fertilizer 15-1-1
PureProteinDry is a one of kind, 100% Organic fertilizer! Pure Protein Dry's versatility makes it a "must have" addition to ANY feeding regimen (organic or synthetic). Through the use of NANOTECHNOLOGY and a proprietary ingredient scientists have been able to get the Pure Amino Acids percentage (80%) to never before seen levels that WILL NOT BURN LEAVES OR ROOTS! PH Perfect 15-1-1! Available in 1 lb. bag
- Price:
- $30.02
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PureProteinDry is a one of kind, 100% Organic fertilizer! Pure Protein Dry's versatility makes it a "must have addition to ANY feeding regimen (organic or synthetic). Through the use of NANOTECHNOLOGY and a proprietary ingredient scientists have been able to get the Pure Amino Acids percentage (80%) to never before seen levels that WILL NOT BURN LEAVES OR ROOTS! PH Perfect 15-1-1!
How do I apply Pure Protein Dry?
For quickest results apply PPD as a foliar feed (spray the underside of leaves) during sunset or sunrise 2-3 times/week throughout entire growth cycle (vegetative and flowering/fruiting) up until 2 weeks before harvest.
For a healthy root system and rhizosphere apply as a root drench 1-2 times/week throughout entire growth cycle.
For an insane compost tea apply 1-2 scoops of PPD/ 5 gallons of tea during the beginning of the brewing process.
Pure Protein Dry powder is simply incredible: A one-stop amino acid-treatment for both leaf and soil application, which, when used even as a stand-alone foliar spray, creates phenomenal growth and lush, healthy leaf structure. !
Pure Protein Dry contains 100% pure, hydrolyzed cod-fish protein which renders an abundance of amino acids instantly bio-available to plant cells. In turn, this builds a powerful "super-structure" for your plants' entire leaf, stem and root-tissue mass.
- Easy to apply. (Just 2 tablespoons per gallon of water & sprayed or soil-drenched works wonders).
- Cost-effective. (Only infrequent doses are needed to see amazing results).
- Completely WATER-SOLUBLE. (Very important aspect for farmers' drip and irrigation systems).
- Completely NON-BURNING to delicate plant tissue. (Even brand-new starts respond positively).
- Totally NON-TOXIC to the environments surrounding farming areas
Available in 1 lb. bag